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‘Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride”, once the famous Eddy Merckx said. So, ICARUS Sports signed up for a true cycling marathon experience, the Istria300.
The Croatian peninsula Istria is regarded as a perfect destination for road cyclists around the world. For Istria300 the organizers selected the most beautiful roads and courses and combined them into a unique road bike event. This ensured a cycling experience of a lifetime in the middle of a breathtaking landscape.

Starting point for every cyclist that took up the challenge of cycling 300 straight kilometers was given in Poreč, in the western side of Croatia.

ICARUS Sports, got on its bike, leading out the rest of the peloton by partnering up with the Istria300. Highlights from the event will be included in the monthly TV show, The Outdoor Sports Show. This show comes with guaranteed exposure in more than 160 countries.

Christoph Stadler, Business Development Manager at ICARUS Sports, commented, ”It’s a true pleasure for us to be discovering new places and creating strong collaborations with new partners. Istria300 takes us to some of the most beautiful parts of Croatia and makes us witness how a true cycling marathon should look like!”

Text Credits: ICARUS Sports
Photo Credits: Istria300