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2018 set a record year for ICARUS Sports’ media partnership with XTERRA and the XTERRA World Tour, achieving broadcast exposure in more than 168 countries.

XTERRA is sports and lifestyle combined, as athletes pitch themselves against the elements in feats of endurance across swimming, mountain biking and trail running in stunning and unique terrains across six continents.

Featuring events around the world, covering Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, ICARUS Sports’ role has been to reimagine and deliver a new style of production, create new fans and grow the profile of XTERRA.

Managing both the production and worldwide distribution for the XTERRA World Tour, ICARUS Sports has secured broadcast exposure in more than 168 countries globally, including some of the biggest and most popular TV Channels. Broadcast products include TV news and highlights from the 2018 XTERRA European TourXTERRA Pan-American ChampionshipXTERRA Taiwan and the concluding event of the year, the XTERRA World Championship, generated sixty-eight news features broadcast.

“ICARUS Sports’ international distribution team has leveraged relationships with our international partners to enhance and escalate the promotion of XTERRA Events and collaborations,” explained Jason Georgaris, ICARUS Sports’ Chief Executive Officer.

Highlights from the XTERRA events are also included in ICARUS Sports’ own produced TV Shows, including The Outdoor Sports Show (9 episodes), XTERRA Adventure series (8 episodes), XTERRA European Tour (4 episodes), and hour-long documentaries for each of the XTERRA Pan-Am Championship and XTERRA World Championship.

“The success of the broadcast reach and depth of exposure achieved has had a hugely positive impact on the XTERRA brand and on triathlon. XTERRA is an incredible product and the exposure around the world has generated massive enthusiasm from broadcasters and engaged a whole new raft of fans,” continued Georgaris. “Collectively the household reach for the complete XTERRA broadcast package of news and TV shows will secure a household reach of 1,529 million”.